Harley would easily be in a top five adorable psychos list. There’s just no debating it. I have never met a person who doesn’t like Harley.
She’s one of the Batman franchise’s most adored characters and has so much cool merch in her likeness. There are some fab Harley pieces of Batman wall art out there, and now there are Harley Quinn leggings.
Grab your mallets, ladies. It’s about to get stylistic up in here.
1. Downward Dog in Harley Quinn Yoga Pants
Source: Amazon
These are superhero tights that are so comfy and compact, the heroes should be wearing them. They’re constructed as activewear. They’re for a purpose, and just happen to look really cool on top of that. Take Harley with you to the gym for inspiration when you least want to do anything. She’ll urge you on. Girls have got to stick together!
Get the Harley Quinn Leggings on Amazon
2. Or Just Go Out On the Town in These Harley Quinn Leggings
Source: Amazon
Nobody will say anything, and if they do, if you’re doing your best Harley — as we all should be, every day — you’ll be carrying a mallet you can use as a threat. “Get me an ice cream, puddin'”, you can say. Or, if you’re feeling less sadistic and unlike some of us, can be bothered to get up on a holiday weekend, you can just look AMAZING instead.
Get these Minimalistic Harley Quinn Leggings on Amazon
3. Channel Harley in These Checkered-Style Leggings
Source: Amazon
Red and black like her signature jester (jestress?) suit, these leggings will go with anything. I used to have a pair like them when I was a wannabe punk and I still miss them. Even more now I realize how much they look like they could be Harley Quinn leggings. And is there a more stylish combo than red and black? Ladybugs say nope.
Get the Checkered Leggings on Amazon
4. Be Daddy’s Little Monster At the Gym
Source: Amazon
You know what, to heck with the daddy’s little monster thing. Why be that when you could just be a straight up little monster? I didn’t understand it when I saw Harley’s (admittedly awesome) t-shirt in the movie and I don’t understand it now. BE A LITTLE MONSTER IN YOUR NEW HARLEY QUINN LEGGINGS. Better? Thought so. Did I mention this Suicide Squad design is enough to make me temporarily stop making fun of it?
Get the Suicide Squad Leggings on Amazon
5. Red and Black Leggings, For When Your Jester Pants Are in the Wash
Source: Amazon
Do superheroes wash their clothes? Genuine question. They’ve got to with all that running around, right? There’s nothing less comfortable than sweaty, stinky lycra, and if they wore only one outfit every day for however long they did… Let’s just say, when there’s a smell that comes directly after Commissioner Gordon shines the Bat signal into the sky, we now know who it is. No wonder our girl is out to kill him.
Get these Red and Black Leggings on Amazon
6. Use These Harley Quinn Leggings to Get Ready For Comic Con
Source: Amazon
If you get them way in advance, it gives you a whole lot more time to get the rest of your Harley Quinn cosplay together. You don’t really need more than these. They look pretty much exactly like the pants Harley wears in a lot of the comics. AND they can be worn with heels without looking trashy. Win/win!
Get the Harley Quinn Cosplay Leggings on Amazon
7. Suicide Squad Harley Quinn is Going Back to Bat
Source: Amazon
There’s no judgment reserved for anyone that might prefer the Margot Robbie version of Harley. She was cool looking and there’s now another version of Harley for any cosplay parties because if there hasn’t been a room full of the many faces of Harley Quinn yet, I don’t know what kind of geeks we think we are…?!
Get these Pink Harley Quinn Leggings on Amazon
8. These Harley Quinn Leggings Have a VERY Harley Crop Top To Go With Them
Source: Amazon
Imagine jumping on the treadmill or rowing machine in this outfit, simply knowing you’re the hippest and best dressed geek in the joint. Gone are the days when sports brands mattered, all that does is having a fandom solid enough that there isn’t a single thing you can’t get. (Batman emergency batarangs, anyone?) And if nothing else, this outfit will make your day that little bit better by wearing it.
Get the Harley Quinn Pants Look Leggings on Amazon
9. 3D Digital Prints Have Made it to Leggings, Where Next?
Source: Amazon
We’re not complaining. The depth to the diamonds on these leggings really makes them stand out. While these ones aren’t the best kind to take to the gym because of their material, their endurance for fighting crime is second-to-none. These Harley Quinn leggings are leggings you can wear every day if you want to. Just don’t be like the superheroes. Always remember to wash between wears.